Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Data Visualization

    I agree with the statement made by the woman in the video that presenting information in a visual format is the fastest way for some to engage with that information.  I think it is much easier to conceptualize or understand data if we can physically see it; for example, graphing information, in terms of mathematics or science, makes it easier to understand and, thus, draw conclusions from.  Visualizing data can make complex information more accessible and easier to understand for most people.
    The video included various works of data visualization, but what specifically caught my attention was the piece in which a light represented the amount of McDonald's restaurants in the United States.  McDonald's itself is no glamorous or artistic place, but the way the information was presented, through lights, made it look like a eye-catching piece of art.
     Like Tufte said, "we are seeing to learn."  Through data visualization, we look at art as a way to easily absorb new information.  Personally, I am a visual learner, and it makes most sense to me to physically see the information rather than have someone verbally give the information to me; therefore, I find data visualization a very effective way to learn.

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